Friday, January 2, 2015

New Year, New You!

Here we are in 2015!  It's the new year, and I know what that means.  Everyone and their brother is on a health kick.  Well optimum health is my way of life.  I try not to over due anything.  Everything is great in moderation.

For your new year resolutions, instead of not drinking anything at all, maybe try switching to red wine for awhile.  It has so many health benefits.  It has antioxidants, it's anti-aging, and cancer preventative properties.  Red wine has reservatrol which can increase your life span, protects against Alzheimers, and dementia.  It reduces the risk of heart and cardiovascular disease.

Now, I know you red wine drinkers are saying Yes, I knew I was doing something right!  Well, yes you were.  Moderation, doesn't mean drinking a whole bottle by yourself every night.  But a glass of wine or two is more than enough.  Remember, moderation is key.

Here's to a new you, taking more steps to living a healthier life, and being a happier version of you in 2015!
